Monday, August 29, 2011

Week two- Prepare to be Annihilated

Since it's been a few days since I've last posted, I figured that now was the time to update this baby.
As you may have noticed from my last post, the first week of classes tends to take a toll on a sophomore year college student, and therefore leaves me posting nonsensical, mostly stress-relieving blogs simply from the heart of Daisy Wolf.
Thankfully, the first week is over now and I am fully healed, leaving me officially able to focus (somewhat). I have decided that the rest of my life shouldn't be left for the rest of my life, but rather preparation is necessary. Just like the poster hanging in my high school physics class stated,
"When you fail to prepare, you prepare to fail,"
(along with an adorable picture of an apathetic, depressed polar bear).
This was quoted by some unknown author, so Sir, if you are the speaker of this quote and you are offended that I have not given you credit, I am sorry but you simply shouldn't hide your identity from the world. I guess I can't please everyone.

Weekends... they're supposed to be for rejuvenation and healing, correct? Well, while I did heal quite a bit and the sleep did somehow rejuvenate my system, the overpowering stress of an intense work load, mixed with student leadership, mixed with social life resulted in a late Sunday-night meltdown. Just kidding, it wasn't that bad, but it's more fun to call it a meltdown. What was the initiator of this so-called, "meltdown," you may wonder? How about blackboard failing to work at nine o'clock in the evening, when I have two online assignments due at midnight? Or maybe it was because at times the internet failed to work in general?
I find it absolutely repulsive how attached I, along with millions of others, am to the internet. It's almost like the entire world shuts down when it ceases to work for five minutes. I am determined to remove this mind-set from my life, but rather bring back the use of the old fashioned pencil and paper. It will happen- just watch.

All right, time to be actually productive and either do homework or attempt to apply for internships.
Internship folk, if you happen to read my blog, please hire me. I am a dedicated, fun, hard-working, and slightly sarcastic writer who enjoys a good satire once in a while. I am respectful though. Respect is important to me. I'm going to stop sucking up to my non-existent future boss and leave blogger already.

God Bless!

1 comment:

  1. If you're going to give up the internet for paper and pencil, please be sure to mail your handwritten blog posts to me. :) Hugs!
