Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Target, Sickness, Earthquakes, and Jesus Time

You know you're back at my school when:
-The cool thing to do is go to Target.
-There is a section of Target closed off solely for doing the cuban shuffle and cha-cha slide.
-Your friends start a conga line around target.
-You never went to Target to buy anything in the first place.

Friday was definitely a night to remember. It started off with extreme exhaustion due to sickness and, well, lack of sleep, and continued on with slight dementia. It is definitely a great time to introduce yourself to new hall-mates when you have just woken up and are immersed in many cold meds, don't you agree? Well, I wouldn't agree now, but at the time it sounded like a grand idea.
Here's a little play-by-play of how that little conversation went:
Me: "Hi. *eyes half open and voice screechy from lack thereof*"
Them: "Oh, hi, nice to meet you."
Me: "I'm not usually this loopy. I just woke up.. and I'm on cold meds."
Them: "Oh... uh... we'll take your word for it."
Me: "Nice to meet you. Bye. *slowly and creepily walks away*"
Poor new hall-mates. (Positive: I talked to them the next day and they just thought it was all hilarious).

Now that classes have started and my sickness is slowly creeping away, I am able to function as a normal human being (which is always nice). Apparently there was an earthquake today, which exhibits how utterly oblivious I am to life, since I thought the screeching sound while I was in class was caused by people moving furniture on the floor above me (..I was on the top floor of the building).
Well, I have yet to fully feel an earthquake. I suppose it will happen someday, but until that day I am slightly disappointed that I missed out on this momentous occasion.

So many things to be prayed about. Should I add an English minor to my Journalism major? Will the first prayer group I lead tonight go well? Will I survive a class with a professor whose last name is Beavers?

On another note, I stated in my last blog post that I had been struggling with staying consistent with my Bible reading, which has still been deemed true for me. On a positive note, I found the most incredible little room right next to my dorm which I can use for the time I set aside to read the Bible and pray. I think now that I have found a specific place to go, it will give me more motivation and organization in my own disheveled mind (and so far so good).

This will definitely be an interesting, eventful year with lots to write about, so be prepared.
God Bless!

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