Wednesday, October 31, 2012


There were no classes on Monday (due to Sandy) and you know what that means! Campus-wide refusal to do homework! Favorite part of classes being cancelled? Well, that classes are cancelled.. but also the uproar that emerges onto a hall at 11:30 p.m. when the girls realize there are no classes the next day. It hit "Christmas morning" on the excitement-radar Sunday night. Interesting times.

I've written so little in my blog this semester. I'm so ashamed. Sorry to the people who read this, if you're out there. This is not intentional, I assure you. I blame college.

In other news, my dorm is being torn down. Maybe this surprises you readers, but it shouldn't (and it shouldn't surprise me either.. even though I was in shock for a few days) because if God's sending rain for me to trust Him, why not send the hurricane (isn't that appropriate.. oh Sandy) for me to completely depend on Him? This is just another instance where I am required to trust God fully.
Last year, my semester's theme was probably "Making God my first love" and "not allowing people to become an idol." If there's a theme for this semester, it's definitely been TRUSTING God with EVERYTHING- every little measly detail until, one day, the big detail hits, and I'm prepared to trust Him. So I would say this whole, "being kicked out of my home" thing is a low to medium occurrence that will happen in my life where I will need to trust God, and I'm sure that I'll have more dramatic situations in the future. I would rather not think about that now and just focus what He's put in front of me now, no matter how minor it all may seem in the big picture. "But where will we live?" we ask. "Don't know, don't care. How's that?" is the reply. Just kidding.. that's a quote from "The Emperor's New Groove," but ya know. It's a great reference. I couldn't help myself.

So basically. While this has been the most stressful, confusing and frustrating semester probably of my whole college career up until now, this has probably been the best semester of my life due to me being forced to trust God and the growth that has taken place in my life. Really though, trusting God truly does bring peace while bitterness just brings more hurt.

So yeah, that's my update!

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