Saturday, May 12, 2012

Summer Books; Summer Movies

*UPDATED* ... So here's this updated and adjusted!

Summer reading and movie-watching goals.. I have many of them. Many of the movies I want to watch I've seen before but love and must watch again this summer.

So what's on the list for this summer? Maybe if I list them out publicly I'll actually read them/watch them...

  1. The Sound and the Fury - by:William Faulkner --> (I'm halfway through this and still uninterested. It's very well written, but nothing really happens, which sort of defeats the purpose... Sorry, Faulkner, but if you can't get my attention by the middle of the book, you fail.)
  2. Spiritual Leadership - by: J. Oswald Sanders
    *Currently Reading*
    While I'm required to read this for next year's SLD position, I am really looking forward to reading this. I'm guessing the title is pretty self-explanatory.
  3. The Way of the Shepherd - by: Dr. Kevin Leman and William Pentak
    Really enjoyed this book. The author focuses on how a shepherd tends to his flock as an example of how a manager/leader is to manage/lead the group of people that has been placed under their care. The examples are perfect and eye-opening. Definitely helped me to see managing people in a completely new light!
  4. Wuthering Heights - by: Emily Bronte
    ....Aaaanddd a year later, Heathcliff and Catherine's story is finally completed. Definitely a cold, dark romance, but it's so well written that no matter how depressing the storyline may be, I somehow enjoyed it.
  5. Not a Fan - by: Kyle Idleman
    My leadership team for next year will all be reading this over the summer and discussing it when we get back. Apparently this book focuses on being a follower of Christ rather than just a fan, and it explains the difference. I'm excited!
  6. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button - by: F. Scott Fitzgerald
    This was a short story, but it was one fabulous use of my time. The story is original, well-written and just plain hilarious! If you want a quick and interesting read, this is for you! Love Fitzgerald's writing style and would read this again in a heartbeat.
  7. Roses for Mama - by: Janette OkeI read this years ago, but I was in the mood for a sappy Christian romance. I'm not really a fan of the writing style, but the story is cute. Just one of those girly must-haves. Gotta love the typical "orphan farm girl meets boy next door" story.
  8. Pilgrim's Progress
    I read a shortened, child-proof version of this story when I was younger, but really am interested in reading the real deal. John Bunyan uses allegory to express the dynamics of the Christian life. I absolutely love the writing style and cannot wait to dive into all the symbolism!
  9. The Count of Monte Cristo
    Not sure what this is about.. but it's a classic and was only 5 bucks at the used book store, so here it goes!
So, right now, that's what I've got for books. Disclaimer: This is OTHER than books of the Bible.

  1. The Avengers
    Absolutely loved it. That's all that really can be said. Who doesn't love a movie with a massive amount of superheroes and cool effects? Only the crazy.
  2. Jurassic Park
    Yes, I am that person that has never seen these movies, but no more. This summer, I will be cultured in the ways of giant prehistoric, man-eating animals. I'm ready.
  3. A Walk to Remember
    It's been forever since I've watched this movie, but it's a classic and a must-watch. If you need a tear-jerking romance, this is the movie for you.
  4. Anne of Green Gables series
    Another series that I've watched since I was a kid year after year, but must watch this summer. Since this is a lengthy series, I never have time to watch these movies during school. Anne, you are my literary hero and probably the fictional character I relate to the most. I even named one of my journals after Anne of Green Gables. Yup, these movies are definitely winners.
  5. Anne of Avonlea series 
    ...and the amazing series continues...
  6. This Means War
    All right- Reese Witherspoon is one of my favorite actresses and this movie looks hilarious. Probably going to be pretty cheesy, but now and then these cheesy movies are fantastic.
  7. Madea Goes to Jail
    I recently saw "Madea's Family Reunion" and absolutely loved it. Probably one of the most hilarious movies I have seen recently. So, my goal is to watch more of these awesome Madea movies.. it will happen.
  8. Snow White and the Huntsman
    This looks absolutely intriguing. I love fantasies and fairy-tale types of books and movies, and this looks like it will be amazing. Every time I see the preview it makes it more difficult to wait to see this movie.
  9. Mirror, Mirror
    I know, another Snow White movie, but this seems much lighter and completely different From "Snow White and the Huntsman." This looks hilarious and a fun film, but I don't know if I would go to theaters to see it.
  10. The Little Dorrit Series
    This movie is based on Charles' Dicken's book which I would be very interested to read if it wasn't the size of an encyclopedia. Just kidding, it's not that bad. Anyway, the mini-series was absolutely fantastic and brilliant. Definitely worth the 16 episodes!
 So that's what I have right now.

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