Sunday, February 20, 2011

Lessons in the Life of Daisy Wolf

So, this week has been quite the interesting one filled with many random lessons. Some spiritually related, some school related, and some really not related to anything. So, sit tight.

Lesson 1: Just get the paper done. Don't keep "taking breaks" because the paper will end up taking all day.. which is more annoying than spending maybe 3 hours and then being done.. Especially when the paper has to do with some man who travels in freezing temperatures on the Yukon trail and eventually dies. To Build a Fire (by Jack London) isn't exactly my favorite story to write about. Well, at least I learned not to build a fire underneath a spruce tree that has snow on it, because (note to self) fire melts snow and it will eventually fall off the tree and put out the fire. Bear Grylls would be ashamed.

Lesson 2: Those Mocha Coffee Starbucks drink things are NOT as good as they look. Don't be deceived by the cute little chocolate-colored can and Starbucks logo- those things are nasty and make you jittery. Also, they leave you with bad breath and waste your two dollars that you could use towards something much more fulfilling.. like Chic-Fil-A. Take it from me.

Lesson 3: On a more serious note... While sleeping in is nice, nothing ruins a day more than missing a way to serve God and encourage someone who needs it. I was planning on going to a weekly service event with my college to a local nursing home, but instead decided to sleep in. I can tell you now that something definitely was missing today, and that was seeing smiling faces of wonderful people who know so much about life but are constricted to such a small area with not many visitors and need some encouragement. The sad thing is, I knew last night that if I didn't go I'd feel this way, but I still slept in. Hm. Sorry, Jesus, for not showing enough love to sacrifice just a little bit of sleep to make many people's day. What if Jesus decided, "Hey. I think I'm a little too tired to come to earth and save mankind... that just seems like a lot of work." Ok, I'm definitely not Jesus and I'm definitely not taking the sins of the world upon my shoulders, but I am supposed to be striving to be like Jesus and Jesus does call us to love like He loves. So when it all comes down to it, today was definitely a learning experience.
    Recently I've been discouraged that I haven't been serving and haven't really been invested in people's lives like I should. Well, it's days like today and decisions like these that have created this situation that I've found myself in. Laziness and lack of motivation.
   Well, I can tell you that I'll be there next week.

Lesson 4:
Exercising may be a little bit awful at the time, but after its AMAZING. Is it just me, or do we magically feel like eating fruits and vegetables after a good work-out? I don't know what it is, but I always find myself eating carrots after I come back from the gym. Oh and also, I've also come to the conclusion that dance-aerobic classes are embarrassingly fun. Maybe I shouldn't be embarrassed to admit that it's fun, but now that I'm posting this on the internet I think that proves I'm getting over that a little bit.

Lesson 5:
Life goes by quickly. Say hi to everyone you can and smile at everyone you pass. In a Bible study that I've been having with a few ladies in my dorm, one subject that came up was reaching out to people we normally wouldn't imagine being friends with. You know those "oh man, that person looks like they may hurt me" people? Well, I think sometimes we forget that they ARE people. They need love just like everyone else and who knows what could be going on in their life.
     Lately I've been learning a lot from one of my roommates. She's one of those girls talks to anyone and everyone, and not because she likes to be popular or wants everyone to know who she is, but because she genuinely wants people to feel loved. Now that's the love of Christ showing through her right there. I'm striving to love that hard and to be that fearless. It'll be a long journey, but God's love does amazing things.

Lesson 6: God answers prayer in the most miraculous ways. Why is it that we are so amazed every time God does something awesome? I find that I pray for something, and even if I pray in faith and sincerity, I still somehow end up surprised when God answers my prayer. It happens over and over.
      Let me explain what brought this little lesson on. Lately I've been feeling sort of lacking in the "good girl friends" department. Don't get me wrong, God has blessed me with AMAZING friends and family, but many of them are back home and many of my college friends have much different schedules than mine and we sometimes find it hard to find times to do things together. So, I have been praying that God brings a friend into my life who I can really relate to, grow spiritually with, and just have a lot of laughs and great times with. Well, God answered. This semester I met a girl in one of my classes who is genuinely sweet and just seems like an awesome woman of God. I saw her at the gym last week and we started talking a little, and before you know it I invited her to come to my dance aerobics class with me (the one that I'm not embarrassed to admit to liking anymore). This week her, one of my roommates, and one of my other friends went together and it was awesome. As we talked more, I found out that she is a commuter and had been feeling like it was difficult to make friends because she didn't live on campus. Apparently, she had been praying this year to meet potentially good friends as well. God definitely knows exactly what we need when we need it!

Well, it is now late into the night and there is church tomorrow. So, though I've learned many more things this week, it is time to say adieu. Adieu, adieu, to you and you and you. *dances away*
... I hope you understood that reference. *cough* Sound of Music *cough*

Alright. Good Night and God Bless!!

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