Wednesday, April 27, 2011

JSYK- Just So You Know (Please see #7)

Just so you all know, this blog is going to be very scattered and random, because I have a lot to say (what's new), so prepare yourself for a little piece of A.D.D.

Current struggles:
1. Not being satisfied with who I am/ Not finding my entire identity in Christ
2. Being apathetic to school work.

Recently, I've been really struggling to be satisfied with who I am, both physically and socially. For every girl reading this, you know those days when you look in the mirror and you just feel like you're not as pretty as you'd like? When you feel like every guy has just looked directly past you to see the prettier girl behind you? When you just wish someone would notice you? Well, for me, it's been one of those months.
I have realized, however, that months like these are required in my life to keep me on track spiritually. To understand my lack of worth from looks and physical talents is to understand my ultimate worth in Christ. The physical does not make me who I am; the physical just allows me to serve God out loud. My looks do not define me; my looks make me a unique creation of God, but that is as far is it goes.
Who am I?
I am a child of God.
I am a temple of the Holy Spirit.
I am a woman seeking to please God and grow closer to Him.
I am a human being on a mission to reach others for eternity.
I am more than what I look like or what I can do- I am who God has made me and what He leads me through.

Schoolwork. 2 weeks. I can do this. Apathy? Yes, it's happening. Can I let it happen? No! Should I keep going? Yes! Finish hard. Win the race. Ace it all. That is all.

Current loves:
1. Amazing, godly girl friends!
2. Lake time.
3. Two weeks left of school.
4. That I'm going to be a prayer leader next year.
5. Getting tan again
6. Going to the gym with my roommate
7. Typing "jsyk" after every sentence and it making up an entire conversation with one of my best friends (jsyk).
8. The fact that I'm going to be working at a ranch this summer.. and on top of that with Mary Anna!
9. The fact that the Rot is getting significantly better... I like it a lot.
10. Wearing dresses.

Ok, so this blog wasn't as A.D.D. as I thought it would be! Only slightly! That's a plus. Go me!
God Bless & I love you all :]

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