Thursday, February 2, 2012

Wednesdays and Poetry

This Wednesday will go down in history. "Why?" you may ask.
Today was the first Wednesday of the semester that I was not:
1. Completely stressed out
2. Ridiculously hungry
3. Way overloaded

Philosophy class was not horrible. My practicum wasn't that stressful (I'm getting the hang of this stuff). My crazy design class was really not that bad. I got out about a half an hour early allowing me to eat a little snack to hold me over until dinner (I normally never get to eat all day until dinner). Prayer leader class was fantastic. Hearing God's Word is always good, and sitting with friends during it is even better. Dinner with my previous roommates always makes my day. There is not much else to add to that except that these girls literally light up my life. I have learned so much from them the past year and a half, and I continue to learn from they each day. Campus church was awesome.

God is so faithful- and not just because I had a good day. He truly blesses me with refreshing moments just when I need them. God strategically places people in my life at exactly the right moments to remind me of Him and His glory. Daily I am reminded that Jesus Christ is why I live, and to let the troubles of this world bog me down is to ignore the beauty in Him. The weather has been beautiful, bringing out the sound of spring (yeah, in February), with the birds chirping melodiously and the leaves softly blowing in the wind.
I don't how I can possibly overlook God's power and beauty so quickly when I am surrounded with complete and utter majesty.

Tonight I found a journal of poems I wrote from the age of 13 to 16. I absolutely loved to write poetry, especially in that specific season of my life. Oh, adolescence. Some of the poems were absolutely ridiculous (and hilarious), while others brought back crazy memories of intense emotions and heart-felt cries to God. Being a teenaged girl comes with so many dreams, wishes, and insecurities. For a 13-year-old girl, the main quest is to love and be loved. Oh, how I much I learned about love. While I still have a ways to go, I'm thankful for where I am now in that search for love. In fact, it's not really much of a search anymore. Jesus Christ IS my love. He always will be.

Anyway, I'm going to share a few of these poems with you, so enjoy :].

Soften this Heart (10/25/05)
Lord, You hold time right in Your hand,
The future is Yours, You've got it all planned.
No need for the worries I hold in my head,
You helped Your people when Egypt they fled.

I count it all joy to live for You, 
but I find myself worrying about how I'll get through.
Trials come often, along with sorrow and pain,
Lord, this heart will You soften, my hope please sustain.

A blanket of mercy You never fail to bring,
Your praises I'll forever sing.

Road Map to You
I could be lonely,
but You are always by my side,
I could be hurting,
You just held me as I cried;
I might have been looking,
I was fervently searching
And You've given me the road map to You,
and You told me:

"It only takes a little faith,
A lot of mercy, a lot of grace.
No other roads to take,
Just the road of grace,
So throw away all the works;
They won't, they can't
Do you any good."

I could choose the wide path,
but the narrow is my choice.
I could have followed worldly pleasures,
but then I heard Your voice-
Soft and sweet, You called me,
Drew me to see the truth,
and You've given me the Road Map to You.

Known (09/06/08)
How can I miss someone I don't even know?
Who can I trust? Where can I go?
Filled with these questions, my mind spins about,
"What are the answers!" is the cry that I shout.

Why am I like this and how can I change?
When I've finally been loved, the feeling is strange.
As I sit in my corner, confused and awe-struck,
I come to realize that this gift's not just luck.

You see me, You love me, You know me by name.
Through all of my failures, I'm Yours just the same.
Fallen to my knees, I'm blinded by Your grace,
When will I finally finish this race?

Your hands lead me through,
Your wings keep me warm,
Through all of life's trials
I'm carried through the storm.

I will fail people, and they will fail me,
but You, Oh Lord, are why I'm finally FREE.

1 comment:

  1. I wrote a lot of poetry in high school too...not to God, though, sadly. Thank you for sharing yours, and your heart for God, as always! <3
