Friday, February 24, 2012

Undertones of Beauty

There's something so absolutely comforting and beautiful about the rain lightly falling on the roof, the thunder occasionally breaking up the lull. I just love rain so much.
What beauty it symbolizes.

The calm that lives beneath the surface of a storm melts my heart.
"Never once did I ever walk alone. Never once did you leave me on my own.
You are faithful, God, You are faithful."
                 -Matt Redman
God's faithfulness. At this point, I'm not even sure what to say about it.
Really all that comes to mind is that, just like the above quote, I have never walked alone in my life. Not once. I have never experienced true loneliness, because Jesus Christ has always been right there with me, even in the deepest pits of life.

Just like the rain, life often seems so dreary and dark, but the beautiful undertones of God's love and presence is overwhelming. His glory is overwhelming. HE is overwhelming.

So the next time you see the rain, think of the beauty it creates. The growth that occurs. The blessings of God's love that come as a result of seemingly dark times.

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