Thursday, January 19, 2012

First Week Back

So.. what has been new in my life? Well, God is faithful, but that's not really new. He always is.
The first week of classes has almost been completed.

What has occurred/is occurring during this momentous time in my life?
1. I am twenty. Crazy happening on my birthday? The girl I "happened" to sit next to in my Desktop Publishing class not only "happens" to have the same birthday as me, but she too turned twenty. But wait, there's more! Not only does she "happen" to share the exact same birthday with me, but we came to find out that we both are Journalism majors and BOTH from the same state (the state that no one knows exists). That's not all. She lives in the dorm next door to me, and she too is a prayer leader. Coincidence? I think not, hence all of the quotation marks. God is cool, but that's an understatement.

2. I have realized that I am Mac illiterate. Thankfully, this will soon change due to my forced use of them in my Copy Editing and Desktop Publishing classes. I suppose I must learn the Apple jargon sooner or later, or I may be the only Journalism major on the planet who remains totally clueless to such shenanigans.

 3. I may be in love with Gatorade. Is that normal? I hope so, because it is a reality in my life right now. Who needs a man? (That was a joke.)

4. Two interviews for two different writing-related work studies. As my dad said after I told him about the interviews, "When it rains, it pours." Whether I get either of these jobs or not, I am thankful to have been given the opportunities either way. It sparks a tab of hope within my heart, which of course, God knows I needed.

5. Stuck on The Hunger Games. Yes, I am one of those people (and quite proud of it). Some say they are the new Twilight, but I beg to differ. This trilogy has substance, plot and style. I'm only on the second book of the trilogy, but so far I highly recommend the series, especially if you are a fan of fantasy/action books (with a little romance thrown in there). Readers, get to it!

6. I am going to be involved as a script-writer for a short television segment that is shown weekly at my school's chapel service. I am pretty excited about this. Not much else to say about this except that I hope they don't throw me into videography.. or there may be much commotion.

7. Surprisingly, I am enjoying Philosophy class so far. Wow. All things are possible indeed. We shall see how long this lasts. Give it two weeks. Maybe less.

8. I realize daily that I love my major and feel completely at peace with it. I suppose that means, as far as the will of God is concerned, I am where I should be. Cannot wait to see where God leads me with all of this. My life is but an enigma.

9. The Patriots play the Ravens on Sunday. Pats, if you do not win, my many social media outlets will spammed with obnoxious comments which make me sad, therefore, please win. Also, I do not feel like watching other teams play in the Superbowl. Boring, lame and forcing me to solely watch the game for the commercials and Super Bowl parties.

10. My room has a rug! and curtains! While this may seem like a simple and slightly ridiculous truth to be excited about, one cannot imagine how much homier a dorm room becomes with such luxuries as these. The floor is no longer a pasty white color with blotchy marks that resemble the stains from chalk used for pool sticks. It has abandoned it's cold, uncomfortable feel when in bare feet. We now may sit on the floor comfortably. The window is no longer covered by simply awkward plastic shades which get stuck in strange positions. Color. Life. Comfort. Home. You name it.

So there you have it. My week.

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