Sunday, January 8, 2012

316 yards

I can't help myself. I must jump on the social media band wagon and write my heart out about Tim Tebow. What difference will one blog post make among a sea of "TIM TEBOW!!!!" facebook statuses and tweets. (That little "caps moment" was not only necessary to reverberate the emotion of twitter and facebook tonight, but also to release a little pent up excitement within me. I suppose I must just come clean with the blogging world.)

He has his haters. He has his adoring fans. Why?
Because he's a man of conviction.
Tim Tebow believes something and stands for it openly.
Tebow knows the immeasurable value of his faith (which is not just some eery magical good luck charm, as most declare it to be).
He realizes the influence he can have on the world through his humble testimony, pointing any victory to God. He rightfully declares his gifts to be God-given, providing the world with live footage of God's grace and a human's ability to recognize this grace.

Gentlemen, Tim Tebow knows where it's at, so please take notes.
This is a man to be admired. Tebow is what I would consider an example of a godly man who knows how to use his God-given talents to proclaim God's glory, taking advantage of the opportunities and situations he has fallen into.
Tebow is not ashamed of his faith- he relishes in it.
Tebow does not bask in his talent or fame- he turns it into Christ's fame.
Tebow does not cower in fear- he stands strong in joy of his Savior.

While he may be a rarety of a man, these men do exist. They may not all be football superstar quarterbacks, but they exist. Tebow has simply been blessed with the means to easily proclaim his Savior publicly.

To the individuals out there who also produce these qualities in their every day lives, no matter your profession, situational means, background, talents or whatever:
Keep living your life for God's glory- unashamed, excited, passionate, with perseverance.
The world notices, whether on a big screen T.V. or just among a small group of acquaintances.
They notice. They wonder. They're searching.

Let us show them how great our God is.

That is all.

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