Wednesday, February 6, 2013

To Honor My Parents

So, after years of being totally clueless, I have come to the conclusion that my parents are probably the wisest, most incredible people I have ever known.

Seriously though, these people are AWESOME.
They're not perfect by any means, but they are amazing human beings.

My dad is so learned in the Bible, and everything he says or does is backed up by Scripture. He knows what he believes and why he believes it, but he never pushes his beliefs on others. He is open about his faith, but he never talks down to people who have different views. Whenever I have a question about the Bible, people, myself, life, anything- he usually has an answer. His positive and loving nature is so incredibly encouraging when I am down on myself, and his frustration at my negativity pushes me to see things with a better perspective.
His generosity and hospitality to all is incredible, and I admire him for his selfless love for others. He is such a diligent worker and always makes sacrifices in order to provide for his family. He is so under-appreciated but deserves SO MUCH more gratitude.
He puts up with my female, emotional ways, and is so gentle and loving despite my irrationality. His tender heart towards his family is indescribable, and his sacrificial love is a portrait of Jesus Christ. My heart literally fills with joy every single time I talk to him or spend time with him. Or even talk about him.
He is a fantastic dad who shows love, makes me feel special, encourages me to be who I am and pushes me to be the best I can be. Basically, he is an example of what I want in a husband someday, and I am thankful to God that He provided me with a godly father.

My mom just loves the Bible. Since before I can remember, God's Word has gotten her through every day. She has always had us read with her daily, whether a passage in the Bible or a short devotional. Though I never really appreciated this as a kid (especially when it disrupted my playing time), I am SO thankful that my mom taught me to love and appreciate the Bible. My mom is one of the most kind-hearted, selfless people I have ever met. She is gentle, has a servant's heart and always puts others needs before her own (whether they deserve it or not). She is hilarious (without even knowing it) and lets me be silly with her (and talk in weird accents).
She sacrifices so much of her time for God and for her family, and she pushes us to do the same. Even though we don't show her nearly enough appreciation EVER, she is a woman of extreme worth. Her heart alone is made of gold, and the rest of her is priceless. She loves being home and with her family, and she makes it known how much she loves her children and husband.
When I am in the lowest of pits, I love talking to my mother. She lets me be sad, holds me and just tells me truths from the Bible to bring things into perspective. She understands my strange female tendencies, and she encourages me always. I hope to someday be half the wife and mother she is.

In general, my parents are not shown enough appreciation AT ALL.
So, this post, Baba & Mama, is for you.
I want you to know how much you are loved and appreciated. I am SO THANKFUL for you, and there are few people in this world who bless me like you two bless me.

So thank you <3. I LOVE YOU and MISS YOU!

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