Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013: Day One

2013: Day One

Dear Self,

I decided it would be interesting to write a letter to myself to begin the new year.

Although I will not keep up letter entries to myself throughout the entire year, (because, who am I kidding?) I am currently writing to myself as if it's a normal occurrence.Why, you ask? Because it's a new year, and I don't need a reason. I post this letter to myself on my own public blog so that I can be held accountable, because everyone knows everything feels more official when you post it on the internet.

So self, when you go into 2013, there are a few factors that you must never forget.
  1. Never let people become more important than God. God calls us to love people, but He calls us to love HIM first. Don't let people become an idol, and don't let service become a distraction.
  2. It's okay to be bad at things. You are not superwoman, you are not all-powerful, you cannot be in multiple places at once and you are not made to be perfect, because, Self, you are not God. I know that sounds over the top and you may never actually think you are God, but when you act as if it's your duty to be the most fantastic multitasker in the world, that is attempting to elevate yourself to the level of God. So don't. Trust God and let Him be in control... it's a lot less stressful and a lot more productive.
  3. Don't ignore the people in your life. Ever. They may not always be there. When you take people for granted, you skip essential parts of your life, wasting time and memories. Why waste any moment when life is like a vapor?
  4. Remember the things that might hurt to remember. They help you not to backtrack to places you once were and never need to be again. It might not always be pleasant to remember those embarrassing, painful memories, especially the ones involving receiving consequences from sin, but in the long run, you will be better for it.
  5. "God is not a secret to be kept." This quote by Newsboys/TobyMac captures quite beautifully the essence of your purpose. You are here to share the gospel, reach people, love people and show them Christ. Don't waste any opportunities, and don't miss any possibilities.
  6. Just because you're single doesn't mean you're a loser. Ok, the fact that I'm telling myself this may seem a bit loser-ish, and maybe it is, but honestly, the truth is that being single is just another stage in life. "Being in a relationship" does not suddenly fulfill you or give you worth, because your only worth is in Christ. Take advantage of your singleness- go places you've never been, meet people you've never known, invest your time into people who need it, embrace spending time with your family every day, try new things, form new hobbies, get jobs you love, serve God in all of it.
  7. Any life worth living is going to be hard. Don't take the easy route. Don't just do what's comfortable. Do hard things. Take risks, but plan accordingly. Show initiative, don't be lazy and don't miss out on good memories and wonderful people.
  8. Trust God to provide. Don't spend your life worrying about finances, especially when God has blatantly called you to something and opened doors. If God has opened one door, chances are the doors will just keep opening. Work hard, but always trust God.
  9. When you feel like you're stuck and no one understands, just keep going. Prayer and God's Word is ALL that will comfort you, so keep persevering and the hovering will soon come to an end.
  10. Remember that you are here to LOVE GOD and LOVE PEOPLE. Don't get hung up on yourself. Life isn't about you. It's about Jesus Christ. God is who you are here to glorify. People are who you need to reach and what you need to be passionate about. Life alone is empty. Love people. Invest in them. Show them Christ.
So, Self, remember these things. When you feel like life in 2013 is crazy, out of control and unbearable, remember that this happens during every year. Hard times are inevitable, so just get through them. People are difficult. You are difficult. They will fail you. You will fail them. They will sin. You will sin. Push through. Trust God. Love God. Love people.

Cling to Jesus in everything.


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