Monday, July 2, 2012

This New Mysterious Healthcare Bill

Maybe I'm the only one who feels this way, but I honestly don't understand how this whole healthcare bill even went through, if it is what I'm understanding it to be.
So let me get this straight- we're going to be taxed an extra $1,500 a year to pay for other people's healthcare that isn't good and that they didn't even earn? I'm not really even sure I understand this. Does congress even understand it? I feel like I'm being conned by the crazy knife salesman again, except in this case, our country is standing in as me and President Obama is standing in as the crazy knife salesman. No disrespect meant to our president... all for the purpose of analogy, you know. I'm not really a fan of being scammed.

Mostly, here are my questions:
  1. How is this going to affect small business owners who simply cannot provide the required healthcare for all of their employees?
  2. Won't this destroy jobs since employers will have to let go of employees since they cannot afford to provide this type of healthcare?
  3. How are they allowed to force us to buy this health care? What if I don't want this healthcare?
  4. Since when is America about forcing anyone to do anything?
  5. How come people who are feeding off of the welfare system are getting to steal my money so that they can have healthcare that they didn't earn? 
  6. Why does anyone even want this healthcare? It's horrible. 
  7. Benefits? What benefits? Enlighten me.
  8. Since when is it considered freedom to have a set, required system of any sort (especially if it's not a right. I'm sorry, but free health care is just not a right). 
  9. How are we paying for this? Or the rest of our debt for that matter?
  10. Does President Obama care about his children's future? Just wondering. Poor kids.
  11. Do we really want to imitate Canada's health care which is utterly suffering?
  12. How will this affect the medical staff? Will this help or hinder their jobs?
  13. What's next? Forcing us to invest in stocks? Or forcing us to pay taxes for frivolous things like expensive government dinners and crazy government vacations? Oh wait, we already do the second one.
  14. Why is this that confusing? Is it supposed to be? Is that all part of the scamming process?
  15. Why do some of my question have five sub-questions??
 So, at the moment, those are my questions. I'm sure more will come up. If you'd like to help me out, I'd much appreciate it.


  1. I don't live in the U.S. I live where we do have universal healthcare. Everyone is entitled to free healthcare. No citizen is excempt. Yes we all pay taxes for it based on our income but the benefits outweigh everything. Everyone is entitled to simple or complex medical treatments. I'm not sure what the states is doing but you pose some great questions.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Is the healthcare any good? Are the waits for care horrible? How is the job rate where you live?

    Also, I think what really baffles me is that the U.S. has always been a country that never would force citizens to pay for other people when it is something that is just a benefit (I would not consider all healthcare to be a right to all individuals). It seems to me that it defies everything our Constitution stands for which was written by the men who founded our country.
