Friday, July 6, 2012

The little things are really the big things.

You know those moments that hit you when you realize how truly blessed you are? I've recently had one of those moments. It's easy to take people and opportunities for granted, but I am trying my hardest to thank God for the little things daily, because the little things really are the big things.

As I prepare for my trip, I realize how blessed I am to be able to go on this trip. I am truly thankful for those who God led to assist me with the funds for the trip without my even asking. I am so proud to say that God provided every single penny for the trip (as He always does)- whether through other people's assistance or through money He allowed me to save up (based on jobs He has provided for me). Nothing really ever is done in my own strength or by my own abilities, if I really break it down. It always points back to Jesus Christ. Jesus is always the protagonist of the story, and my life is just a subplot. Guess we'll see where this story goes throughout the rest of this month, huh?

I am so thankful for the parents who God has provided me with- ones who encourage me to serve Christ, whether the world tilts their head in confusion at my actions or not. They're always such godly supports and never discourage me from doing what God is calling me to do (even when the situations may seem dangerous or odd). They also tell me when certain decisions are necessarily not godly ones and when I need to pray more about a situation. I don't think I could successfully doing anything without their godly advice and encouragement. I'm thankful for parents who listen, who care and who love me for who I am. They may not always agree with me or think I am right, but they love me just the same and do what they can to help me grow. I'm thankful for parents who miss me. I know that sounds selfish, but it's nice to be missed. It's nice to be appreciated for who you are and what you bring to their lives.

I'm thankful for my friends. My sister, my cousins, my church friends and my college friends. 
My sister is the friend who will always be in my life, and for that I am thankful. We're very different in many ways, but we understand each other, too. Most of the time we think exactly the same way, which may be attributed to how we were raised, but I think in general we're just kindred spirits ;]. I am thankful for her and who she is, and I'm thankful for her generosity of love to me. She's a great example of a godly woman.
My cousins will also always be involved in my life, whether we stay active in each other lives in every stage of life or not. As many of the cousins get married, have babies, move away or go to college, it's often difficult to stay in touch constantly, but near or far, we are always friends. We know each other inside and out, which growing up together affects, and it's a great feeling to have people like that in your life as well.
My church friends are sort of like my cousins in that we grew up with each other. Many of us differ from each other, but we always find things in common, especially our common bond of being brothers and sisters in Christ. These are some of the most hilarious people I have ever met, and I enjoy their company so much! Thankful for some godly friends at home to keep me accountable and have some awesome laughs with.
My college friends hold a very special place in my heart. You know, I've never experienced such a wide variety of personalities till I went away to school, and I've really enjoyed it! Who knew I could find other people with similar interests in me, are my age, same sense of humor and who LOVE Jesus?! Didn't even see it coming, I can tell you that. My freshman year roommates, Carla and Kaytee, have become my sisters when I'm over at school and two of my closest friends. Two of my freshman year friends, Sarah and Ariel, have stayed close with me until now and have become two of my best friends as well. I've also made a variety of other awesome friends within my major, on my halls or at the church I attend while I am at school, and I love them all so much! I look forward to the new friends I will make junior year and the old friends I will grow closer to as well.

I am thankful to be able to go to a university, and a godly one at that. I know we always find things to disagree with at places like my school, but we often forget how incredible a place like that university is. Incredible. That's really the only way to describe it.

How blessed I am, and how thankful I should be.

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