Saturday, June 9, 2012

Tis the Season for Graduations and Weddings..

Apparently this summer was dubbed "summer of graduations" without my knowledge. Two of my cousins graduated from college with a BS, one of my second cousins graduated with a Masters and my little (..or not so little) cousin just graduated from high school today. Oof.

Growing up. It seems to be a sort of unexplainable phenomena. The little guy cousins who were always small with squeaky voices now tower over me and suddenly sound like men when they speak. The little girl cousins now don't play with dolls anymore, but instead sit and have conversations with me as a source of enjoyment. It's craziness. All of it.
I wonder how my parents feel? I wonder how I'll feel some day as a parent (God willing)?
Oh man, I don't even like to think about that. I'm just not going to.

On top of that, so many weddings. Thankfully, this summer my cousins decided to only go through with one wedding. However, have no fear. Next summer I estimate about 2-3 weddings (of cousins alone).
I'm not even 21 yet and I've been a bridesmaid/maid of honor in four weddings. FOUR. Three of them being cousin's weddings and one being my sister's wedding. So that's just family. Please keep in mind, I have a big family. I also do have friends.. so they may factor into this. Well, I'm way past the "three times a bridesmaid, never a bride," mark. Hopefully that is just a superstition...

Yes. Life. It's a curious thing. I actually started my long-intended novel about life. Yeah, I know that's vague, but that's the idea- to reel you in now, developing your curiosities and whetting your appetite. Do you have any ideas? No? That's ok, me neither. But the intro paragraph sounds convincing, so I'm good to go.
I keep having fantastic ideas for novels, begin them and then lose interest and never finish them. You know what my problem is? I'm horrible at developing plots from beginning to end. Give me a completed plot, and the actual writing of the novel would be a piece of cake. My mind would go wild if I just had some sort of skeleton to the story. Who wants to team up with me? Any takers?

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