Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Soaking in the Rainy Days

It seems that about 85% of the world despises rainy days. That statistic was not legitimate, but I'm sure you get my gist. However, I am one of the 15% of my made up statistic who loves rainy days. Don't get me wrong, if it's been raining for over four days and there's a monsoon taking place, I begin to get sick of the rain. Other than that.. rain is miraculous.

"So, what can I even do on a rainy day?" you may wonder. Well, it's your lucky day! You now have a blog post in front of you to throw some ideas at you.
  1. Rainy days are always the best days for writing...
    Writing blog posts- Like this one! Booya! Tell the world what you think when you have the time to think about it!
    Writing letters- Emails are so overrated. Hand-written letters are so much more personal, they're fun to write and they're even more fun to receive! Why don't people write letters anymore? They're just so fantastic. Not to mention, extremely romantic. Just saying.
    Writing stories- Let your imagination run wild! In stories, you can make up anything and everything, and it's ok, because it's a story. It can be completely fictional and terribly irrational, but that's quite alright!
    Writing memories or thoughts- I tend to absolutely love having journals simply filled with memories, favorite quotes, thoughts, recent lessons I've learned, etc. They're always a great time to read through later on in life.
    I absolutely love rainy days because I have an excuse to sit down and write whatever it is I want to write in whatever form I want to write it!
  2. Rainy days are also fantastic for reading.... Whether you're a believer in Jesus Christ or not, the Bible is always a fantastic read. In addition, I'm sure you have a list of "to read" books that you still haven't touched, in which case, rainy days are calling your name! If you do not have a "to read" list, then you better get on that, because you're missing out in life. If you need some ideas, I can assure you that I can successfully supply you with worth-while reads.
  3. Crafts! Don't ask me what type of crafts, because I would be the worst person to ask, but that's why people like us have websites like Pinterest and Stumbleupon. So get searching and crafting!
  4. Movie marathons or Television show marathons... My current t.v. shows are Once Upon a Time and Parenthood. In general, I just love movies (as long as they're not ridiculously dirty or inappropriate). The film world is absolutely amazing- an art I truly love.
  5. That extra cleaning... Come on. We all know we have that one room in our houses we avoid touching, and therefore it is a mess of clutter and hoarding. Or maybe that's just my house. Anyway, this is always a good option. Turn up the jams and get organizing!
  6. Or just go run around in it! Really, why waste the rain? If it's a warmer day, go enjoy the free water park! Make a water slide outside, get out your super-soakers, and prep up those water baloons. Get the neighborhood together. Go do it now!
  7. Playing your long lost instrument... for those of you who used to play an instrument way back in the day, go dust it off and have a jam session. Playing my piano is one of the most heavenly things to do on a rainy day. If you don't play an instrument, look up a youtube tutorial and learn one! Playing an instrument is one of the most relaxing, rewarding hobbies of all time...
  8. Trying out new recipes... you know all of those left over ingredients in your fridge? You can now use them for something! Hooray! Search online what type of recipes you can make out of whatever it is you have stored up and get cooking.
  9. Scrapbooking... remember all of those pictures you printed that you always said you'd make something cool out of but never did? Well, snag some paper, any design and any color, and start pasting. Three-hole-punch them, stick them in a binder and viola. Scrapbook.
..I'm sure more ideas will come to me later, and when they do, you can be assured that I will tack them on this list. If you have more ideas, feel free to throw them out to the rest of us!

Rain allows us to sit, contemplate and just inhale life for all it's worth. Something about the rain is so mesmerizing, forcing me to retreat into a world of my own. It's so eery and surreal.

Don't waste rainy days.. soak them in. Literally, figuratively.. however you want to do it.

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