Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Stuff of Summer

Despite the overcast, slightly chilly days, I love New England summers.
The thunderstorms are mild, but beautiful,
the rain is gloomy, but magnifies the greenery,
and the light breeze forces me to hold on tighter to the ones I love.

It's good to be home.

Home has a way of relaxing me, even when I'm stressed. I know that I am loved where I am, and that's all I really need to know. That I am loved. From that point on, I can face the rest of this world. That's probably why, in general, I am not really a stressed out person.
I know that, no matter what people's opinions of me, I am loved by the Creator of the world. That's definitely a mind-boggling relief.
I am thankful for the people he's placed in my life here at my official earthly home because through them, I see Him. Their love, to me, represents God's love, because I know that they love because He loves. Home reminds me of that.

So far, this summer has involved getting to know and love my nephew, catching up with cousins, seeing old friends who I grew up with, trying new things, sticking to old things and getting some work done.

I just love my nephew a lot. Everything about him. How is it possible to have so much love inside of me for this little human being who can't talk and who I barely know? I don't know how, but it's happened. Needless to say, that little one has my heart.
I've come to understand what God wants of me in certain areas of my life but only in glimpses. I sort of know what He wants, but I don't know when or how that's going to happen. Or maybe (probably) I don't actually understand, and I just think I do.
...And people think the Christian life is boring. Ha.

In other news, I sort of threw the majority of my reading list out the window and developed a whole new one.
Didn't read the Great Gatsby before I saw the movie, but may in fact read it anyway.
The movie reminded me of why I loved the book in the first place... depth, beautiful language, depiction of historical pains.
I picked up "To Kill a Mockingbird" off of my shelf tonight. It's been there for years, and I still have yet to read it. I'm sort of glad I didn't read it when I was young because I believe that now I can really appreciate it. So I begin that, along with two books that I have to read for RA for next year.
"Gospel Centered Discipleship" by Jonathan K. Dodson and
"Lady in Waiting" by Jackie Kendall and Debby Jones.
I started Dodson's book and so far so good. We'll see.
I'm really excited to start on "Lady in Waiting," especially since I started my new blog, Embrace the Single. I'm praying that it gives me more to think about and to contribute.
I am, however, still reading "The Picture of Dorian Gray," but it's sort of turned into my "when I'm stuck somewhere, bored and just need to read" book since it's on my iPod.
Sometimes you just need one of those books.

I'm finally getting to watch some movies that I've been wanting to watch but haven't had time for during the semester, one of which was "One Day," a 2011 picture starring Anne Hathway and Jim Sturgess. This movie genuinely took my breath away (of course, not including inappropriate scenes and so on) .. it was creative, made my heart happy and sad all at the same time and attached me to the characters. Definitely a worth while film.

I painted on Wednesday and realized how completely unrealistic my mind is- or so depicts my art. Disorganized, colorful, flowery and... swirly. Those are the contents of my brain.
Confusing. Unfocused. Passionate. Hopelessly romantic.
I don't even understand my mind.
Does everyone think in different shapes? If that's the case, I'm pretty sure the shape I think in is swirls. Is that a shape?
This reminds me of a quote from a song by the Vespers:
"People come in circles and squares
Some are hearts but they're quite rare."
-Eyes Wide Open
I love that quote. It's such a truth of life. It's like the hearts in life are the kindred spirits.
That's how I paint.. with that in mind. That there are hearts out there somewhere, despite their rarity.
I don't paint well, but somehow there is still a method to the madness.

On a different note, despite every single place I've applied to either telling me they won't hire for the summer or not getting back to me at all (even though I harrass them frequently), God has still provided me a method of work this week (and exercise).
House cleaning. Nothing crazy, but something.
And a something that helps me build my muscle index as well.
I can't complain.
Honestly, cleaning is extremely relaxing for me (unless it's my own room.. then it makes me want to procrastinate). It was enjoyable for me in general, and it was exciting that I was doing something and working hard. I've loved the opportunities of relaxation, but I really do love to work and earn.

 In my time in the Word, I have been reading Judges and I just love everything about the book (even though I have been struggling to read it daily, especially with its heavy topics). The repetitiveness of Israel's sin can sort of be disheartening at times, reminding me of my perpetual disobedience to God as a human being, but at the same time, it reminds me of God's mercy and constant forgiveness of the people of Israel.
From the book of Judges, I learn who I want to be like, who I don't want to be like, how I want to live my life and how I don't want to live my life.
I see more about the character of my God, what He expects of those who follow Him and how He interacts. Most importantly, I see my need for Him.
The Bible has a trivial way of somehow relaying that same message, despite the actual topic.

I start my internship on Wednesday, and it would probably be an understatement to say that I'm terrified. Terrified to mess up, terrified to forget what I've learned, terrified to let people down, terrified to not display Jesus to people. In addition, I'm terrified to get lost. Really though, I am the most directionally dysfunctional human being (probably on this planet), and I can't get lost. I really need to figure out where this place is...

So that's what's been happening.
Summer. Life. Love. Bliss. Home.

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