Friday, May 3, 2013

Harbingers that bring on playlists and summer reading

Ah. Packing in May. The real harbinger of summer. The suitcase comes out and the summer music comes on. I may even wear sunglasses indoors for such an occasion.

Today, as I began the packing spree with 9 days left until I head home for the summer, reality actually set in. For a while there, I felt like I would be here forever and even then, it's always hard to imagine being anywhere other than where I am at that moment.

So anyway, as I packed, I thought to myself, "Self, you should make a Summer 2013 playlist."
And then I responded to myself and said, "Self, I think that is a brilliant idea."
I'm feeling the folk/indy/alternative scene this summer, with some other favorites thrown in there.
...I'm not a hipster-- I promise. They just have really good taste in music.

I have yet to come up with the full playlist, but here's what I have in mind so far: 

1. "Flower Flower" The Vespers

2. "Ho Hey" The Lumineers
3. "Safe and Sound" The Capitals
4.  "Gold on the Ceiling" The Black Keys
5.  "Hello" The True Star
6. "On Top of the World" Imagine Dragons
7. "Jump Into the Fog" The Wombats
8. "Don't Wait for Me" Josh Garrels
9. "Between the Raindrops" Lifehouse & Natasha Bedingfield
10. "Home" Phillip Phillips
11. "Oceans" Hillsong United
12. "Better Now" The Vespers
13. "Charlie Brown" Coldplay
14. "After All (Holy)" David Crowder Band
15."Stars" Grace Potter

So that's all I've got for now, but I'm sure this playlist will grow extensively as the summer goes on. If you have any ideas, feel free to contribute. Or if you have any fantastic ideas for playlist names, list away.

So, then this morning I thought to myself, "Self, you should come up with a summer reading list."
And I responded to myself, "Self, that is such a brilliant idea."
So here's what I have so far (click the titles of the book to see a brief synopsis)...

1. Fatherless by: James Dobson

2. Blue Like Jazz by: Donald Miller
3. Great Expectations by: Charles Dickens
(I find it atrocious that I have not yet read this classic Dickens book, but I figure it's better now than never. I just found bought an antique copy for $3 the other day! Also, I need some more Dickens in my life).
4. The Great Gatsby (I want to reread it before I see the movie!)
5. The Picture of Dorian Gray by: Oscar Wilde (I'm currently about half-way through, but I never got the chance to finish it during school).
6. The Count of Monte Cristo by: Alexandre Dumas
7. At least two of the Agatha Christie collection of books I have on my bookshelf in my room. I have yet to read one entire book by her.

...Ok honestly, I'm looking through books online that I want to read, and there are just too many wonderfully written books in the world. And of course some not so wonderfully written.
Either way, there is no way I am reading all of them this summer.
So for now, this list will do.

Do you think I can read them all despite my snail's pace reading habits?

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