Saturday, March 16, 2013

Faith of Abraham

I watched the two episodes of the new "The Bible" TV series this week. I know, I was a couple weeks late, but better late than never. Honestly, I'm pretty impressed how accurate it was (despite its few inaccuracies.. which was expected).

I am really encouraged by this show. The fact that God's Word is being spread (and that it is the number one show on television right now) is incredible. Though people are constantly seeking to disprove the Bible and are continually tearing it down, they still display a HUNGER for it's truths. They know, but they won't admit. That's another tangent though...

I really loved the parts with Abraham and Sarah. I can't even imagine the struggles they faced and the tests they overcame, proving their faith in God. Is it bad that I'm encouraged by their failures? Well, I'll admit that I am. These giants of faith, God's beloved people, still failed to trust God.

Sarah laughed when God told her that she would have a child in her old age (Genesis 18:12), and Abraham took matters into his own hands and had sexual relations with his handmaiden to have a son, when God clearly told him that a great nation would come from him and Sarah.
Yet, despite their lack of faith, God used Abraham and Sarah. God loved them, and He showed that He loved them through testing them. I know that sounds weird, and to our finite minds, yeah, it's pretty weird. However, through these tests, God gave them second chances to show their faith in Him.

The scene in "The Bible" (the TV show.. and the actual Book) where God calls Abraham to sacrifice His son gets me every time. Imagine the amount of faith that would take to sacrifice your son (especially when they had waited to so long for God to provide him). Wow.

Do I have that much faith?
If God asked me to do that, would I?

My prayer is that my faith would be like the faith of Abraham and Sarah, even if that means I'm going to fail sometimes and even if that means God will ask me to do strange and difficult things.

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