So here's the thing- you can't give them any satisfaction that their "nay" is noted.
If you are a believer in Jesus Christ, God will call you to something specific. It's inevitable. It is also inevitable that these nay-sayer folks will grab their cloud, hover over your calling and then rain on it. Well, guess what, God doesn't change His will for you based on other people's negative comments. He doesn't suddenly say, "Oh hey. They think that's a bad idea so... let's just have you do something more logical and safe." Sorry, people, but God rolls over for no one. Just read every book of the Bible if you want some support on that.
Conclusion? Their opinions don't matter. If God is calling you to do something- DO IT. It may seem illogical, dangerous, difficult and out-of-reach, but GOD is God. Not you. Not me. Not anyone.
Also, in addition to the "nay-sayers," there are the "nose-stickers." You know, the ones that stick their nose in everyone's business, showing unusually extreme interest in what everyone else is doing with their future. I'm sure you've heard the whole "Oh? This is your major? Please describe to me in detail what you will do with it in the future, if it will make you a lot of money and what your next 10 years look like!" shpeal.
People, people, people. Directly from the mouth of a planner- please do not force us to plan more than we have to. Life will happen, and God will guide us. Until then, this is my life.
No, I do not know who I will marry, what job I may have, where I will live or whether I'm going to graduate school when I'm done undergrad.
I've tried the whole "planning my life" thing. It's not happening and it never will. It's ok to plan, but let's face it- God changes our plans. I've decided to do my best at whatever I'm doing right now with my life to prepare for whatever possibilities God may bring into my life in the future, but as far as knowing my future, I see into my future just as well as you see into yours. Not at all.
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