Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Letting Go to Hold On

It's perfectly amazing how God answers prayer and in the most interesting methods possible, mind you.

Those of you who happen to have kept up with my previous blogs, this semester God has been teaching me how to view HIM as my best friend, rather than people, and to be satisfied in Him. He brought to the surface my habits of making people into idols and focusing so much on my relationships with people rather than with HIM.

To remove me from this difficult place, God chose to bring me closer to Him through loneliness. He stripped down layer after layer of comfortable relationships, leaving me with the feeling that I had no one (even if I did). I know now that I had to go through that dark place so that I could see Jesus Christ as my one Light in this world, releasing my grip on the people in my life so that I could hold onto Him with both hands.

That being said, God has faithfully brought me back to the place of reliance on Him and satisfaction in who He is. While I have so much room to grow, there has been movement out of my previous state, and I thank God for even the baby steps.

In this place I am in now, God has slowly brought people into my life, encouraging me spiritually and emotionally. Now that I am refocused on God and not on people, I am seeing more and more of God's love in people rather than just the people themselves. One of the hardest aspects for me to grasp regarding God is not being able to physically touch Him and have Him to hold me in His arms when I am feeling alone. I now see that the way we interact with God physically is through other believer's love when He shines through them in their lives.

I am so thankful for the people that God has placed in my life so that I may see God's love in flesh. God knows what I need based on who He's created me to be- my personality, my likes, my dislikes, my hopes and my dreams. Jesus Christ continues to bring people into my life on a daily basis. It has come to the point that every time I feel loneliness coming on, God places someone in my pathway (literally) and I have a friend for the specific moment that I need it.

It's incredible, and I am so thankful.
So each of you who is involved in my life right now, I hope you know that you are an instrument of God being used in my life, and I love you. I'm thankful for you.

God is good all the time. The hard times are so worth it.

God Bless,
Daisy Wolf

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