Sunday, July 24, 2011

Camp: Memories and Lessons.

So it's definitely been a while since I last posted.. which is expected due to the craziness of camp counselor life (and craziness is slightly an understatement). I definitely love it here and know that God sent me here for the purpose of not only encouraging campers spiritually, but also for my own growth and maturing.

This summer I have been learning (dramatically) what it means to humble myself in my weaknesses in order to encourage others to develop their strengths. While I'm not, by any means, a "campy" person, I have learned that through my need for help and strength, God's grace is shown in my life.

While here at camp I have tried things I probably would never have tried had I not been forced by my job description (camp counselor, aka, one who will do every activity in order to encourage campers to do every activity, even if it involves intense humiliation and ego-smashing). I've been able to attempt to play paintball, climb the tower (kind of like a rock-wall, for those of you who don't know what it is) even though I haven't made it to the top (yet), practice my swimming skills (or lack thereof), and bring out my wild side which sings and dances like a maniac in order to get kids to have some fun and be a little weird.
"There was a great big moooose and he drank a lot of juice!"

Fun highlights of my time here so far?
Doing a late-night swim with my LIT girls, convincing them that if anyone found out I would get fired, and then freaking the living daylights out of them when the program director, Mr. Steve "caught" us.

Going on a "toad hike" with my junior girls. Picture this: me with a group of 8-11 year olds, marching through the woods while holding shoulders, capturing toads in paper cups, and then releasing them while chanting "FROGGIES! FROGGIES! FROGGIES, WE LOVE YOU! NOW WE SET YOU FREE!" over and over again, all while wearing some war paint (which we got from the coals from our campfire). That is what I call an amazing time. I definitely will always remember it.

Waking up in the middle of the night due to an intense thunderstorm, finding two of my campers scared in their beds, and then during it getting to tell them about how Jesus calmed an intense storm and showed His incredible power. There's a reason God brings storms.

There are a ton of other amazing memories that I will have to post later, but for now I must say goodbye.
Hope you all are enjoying your summer!
God bless <3.


  1. Lena, you are such a beautiful person. I love your heart for the Lord and willingness to be used by Him. I'm so glad to hear camp is going well!!! I miss and love you and look forward to seeing you shortly :)
    Love, Sarah

  2. I was just thinking of you the other day, and how I miss your blog posts. So glad to hear that you are being challenged and making some great memories at camp. I look forward to hearing more about it!
