Saturday, June 29, 2013


This week was Vacation Bible School at my home church, and it was a blast as always. I was the photographer & slideshow-maker this week, which was a great time.

I learned that there are three kinds of children in the world
  1. ones that avoid being in pictures at all cost
  2. ones that will not smile in pictures
  3. ones that make extreme eye contact and smile endlessly, just in case you happen to snap their picture. 
All are fun experiences, because all provide a sense of challenge to the photographer's endeavors.
For the photo-haters, my goal is to see how many pictures I can get of them in which they do not refuse me angrily.
For the photo-frowners, the challenge is to get one, just one, happy picture of them. And cherish it.
For the photo-hoggers, I aim to see how many pictures I can get of them off-guard and unposed. This might be the most challenging of the three, but I think it can be accomplished if done with enough subtlety.

In all seriousness though, this week was such a blessing. The message of the gospel was preached, the kids had a great time and the volunteers all served God beautifully. Success! Now that the week is over, I really miss it. The squealing children, the catchy songs that never leave your head for the rest of your life (really, how does that even happen after one week?), the intense games, the cute crafts and the hilarious skits... but beyond all of that, the way children respond to the gospel. If there's one thing that makes my heart smile, it's children's innocence and ability to take God at His Word. I remember how easy it was as a child just to trust God, because He was God. Oh, how I long for the faith of a child again. To just take Jesus at His Word, because He is Jesus.
This week, I was reminded that children are a blessing.
They remind us of what life is really about- enjoying who God is and telling other people about it. They're so honest, fresh and free. No drama. No complications. Just simplicity and joy.
That's what I call beautiful.

Despite being exhausted and down this week (for no real reason), my heart was filled with love and joy because of everyone involved with VBS. You are all a blessing in my life! I am thankful to be a part of such an awesome church family, and hope to stay involved, God willing, for many years to come.

On another note, I was reading through #VBSprobs tweets on Twitter, and some of them are absolutely hysterical, so I just have to share some of these tweets:

26 Jun
"Okay what else sounds like trinity?" "God" "Triangle" "Tranquilizer"

20 Jun
Today, a 6 year old called me an "old maid" when she found out I was 21 and not married.     <--- (this tweet is so relatable haha)

It's not VBS without the older men of the church attacking with their water guns when the kids go outside

Got attacked by these 3 kids for 10 minutes 😁  

Of course I'd be stuck with about 20 first graders when the power goes out. Oh, and did I mention they enjoy farting?

"Can anyone tell me how God is in control of nature?" "I had three cats and they all got hit by cars and died."

Having VBS songs stuck in your head ALL THE TIME

"There is no dog heaven kids!!"-Me "Well where does my dog go?"-Little Girl "...........Hell"

4 Jun 12
I officially have a boyfriend! His name is Wyatt and he asked me at 11 today! He's three......

Having to make a grand canyon with just orange paper and paint  

Having glue all over your hands so much that it peels off your nail polish and only comes off your hands with paint thinner...

...Yup. All of these sound pretty legitimate. #VBSprobs

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