Thursday, October 11, 2012

Your Society

Here's something I wrote after hearing the song "Selling the News," by Switchfoot. 

"Your Society." 

They tell us our minds are twisted and society has spun us into a web, when in reality, the true spiders are "they."

"You're telling us who to love and how to love," they complain, their minds collapsing and their hearts consuming their sense of right versus wrong.

God meant it when He called the heart deceitful and desperately wicked (Jeremiah 29:11).
It seems that the world has had a Freaky Friday moment with right and wrong, right frightened by wrong's manipulation and scheming. Forgetting the ruth and devouring the lies that the Liar so wishes us to believe, masking our failures and sins with "freedom" and swimming in the false perception of love and meaning- this is the condition of our world.

They ask us who we are to "define" love, when the true question is, who are we to defy the One named Love, skewing His character and warping His creation.

The media, with their strings, dance their marionettes to the song of money, self-defeating lust and flesh-eating policies. "Society blinds us and defines us,' they say. This is a clue to their scheme- they silently declare their agenda, spilling out their secret motivations to pollute the minds of individuals through modern mechanisms. The internet and television hold the blackened keys to mesmerizing the minds of the currently innocent, telling them these Liar-spun lies of misplaced worth. Well, our response will always remain: We WILL not be consumed by your society.

They have mindlessly abandoned the Father, and they cling to the fathers they've created to fulfill their lack of love and sense of meaningless existence. If only they knew existence holds more and the truth is before their eyes... Instead they reign in their misery, wishing for the world to submit to their throne of pain and evil. If only their eyes knew Love and their hearts would not eat up their mind with deceit.

"Lost" is the name of their land, and they hold their country with an iron fist, containing their members in a tyrannical dungeon of sin. "Alone in our dark world we will not remain," they yell in shame. "We drag others into our pit of hell and devour the vulnerable in their weaknesses. Join us!" they selfishly exclaim.

The pathway is wide and destructive, but it can be avoided by way of the Savior. Grab hold of this Savior, confused members of society, and eat not of the poison fruit which leads to eternal death. A moment of temporal pleasure or a lifetime of pure and undefiled joy? The choice is yours, but the clocks drain quickly.

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